Thursday, February 20, 2014

How beautiful. . .

on earth that we been living all this years, i bet you all out there's have encounter many magnificent thing in your life C: . . .a miracle,sight seeing,wonderfull moment...something that can make ur heart feel asking, "is this thing REAL???" yeah, just like that...we should explore the world. EXPLORE,are not meant to be destroy to explore..

seeing this....i was thinking...

this is what we call Aurora...right? i dont even know if im right..but im enjoy seeing incredible thing like this...i enjoy mother nature...its like, she's talking to show us, pls....value the,she toss us a candy, so we will just sit tight, and enjoy the candy...she want us to understand....

she want us to protect...that wht i think of it.. instead of this,....we as human race....marching....destroy...everything for our desire...

thats why she give us a pleasure sight
a sight that can calm our mind
a sight that can touch us deep inside